Bed & breakfast accommodation in the Drakensberg and Natal Midlands

Drakensberg bed and breakfastaccommodation

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By setting your budget you will find places that exceed your budget bidding lower rates to try to fit your budget










Central Drakensberg

Antbear Eco Lodge – Drakensberg

Antbear Lodge is situated in the Drakensberg region of KwaZulu Natal near to Giants Castle. What makes our lodge particularly special is that we offer

Antbear Luxury Cave

Antbear Lodge is situated in the Drakensberg region of KwaZulu Natal near to Giants Castle. What makes our lodge particularly special is that we offer

Apex Boutique Hotel

Apex Boutique Hotel is a newly built boutique hotel in the heart of a small town called Estcourt. . We pride ourselves on our premium,

Ashtonville Terraces Guesthouse

We offer 6 different rooms that sleep from 1 – 4 guests. Rooms with showers and baths available. We offer accommodation only, bed and breakfast

Berg Adventures

All though I started hiking  from very early on, Berg Adventures was only established  in 2015. Our main aim is to share the love of

Mayeti beauty and wellness

Mayeti beauty and wellness spa is a mobile spa that offers various massages. Our story is to collaborate with the lodges , hotels, company sites